Nano & dustiness – NENnovation Award 2020 2nd place! – Pumps & Valves NL
Delft Solids Solutions bv

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Due to the more stringent EU regulations, recent examples are related to silica and titaniumdioxide, knowledge on dustiness and even more important the presence of nanoparticles in this dust is getting critical for the use of these products in the European Union. Organs such as REACH and ECHA more and more require quantitative information on nanoparticles in products and the potential exposure associated with the presence of these nanoparticles. To investigate these features in line with EC recommendations, the small rotating drum (Nanodrum) as described in the EN 17199-4 standard should be used.
The research equipment decribed in this standard is however not commercially available and has been developped in house.
We are now capable of assesing the nano dustiness of materials using our Small Roatating Drum !

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