Visiting Pumps & Valves
Pumps & Valves is for two days the network and knowledge platform for all professionals in the proces industry. During the event, companies present the latest innovations and developments, they will give you a complete overview of components and installations for industrial fluid and gas technologies. You will find pumps, valves, piping systems, instrumentation, filtration & mixers and appendages.
Aftermovie Pumps & Valves
Graphic media and visual communication are developing rapidly. The sign and print industry is a dynamic market where new developments are constantly taking place, arising from new trends, challenges and solutions. It is high time to organize a small-scale creative event in the gap year of Sign & Print Expo, where knowledge transfer and experience are central.

Three reasons to visit Pumps & Valves

Pumps & Valves is co-located with Solids and M+R, these two exhibits offer a total offer of solutions within the whole process
Discover new applications from known and unknown suppliers, to optimize your own process
Pumps & Valves offers you a wide range of knowledge and innovations through close cooperation with our knowledge partners
"A wide range of products from smaller and larger manufacturers."
Waterschap Hollandse DeltaMaintenance Manager
"Working in oil & chemistry, it is a must to visit Pumps & Valves!"
MertensBusiness Development Manager
"Cozy fair, useful to visit known and unknown companies."
Shell Global SolutionsSmart Maintenance Engineer
"Great event to get new information and to network"
ZetonProcess Engineer
"An event you should not miss"
EvidesMaintenance Engineer
"Interesting event specificly oriented on pumps and valves."
EMHASales Engineer